TEDxRUET official website

Project completed on Apr 13, 2023

Website Repository

Official website for TEDxRUET that includes upcoming and past events, blog articles, speakers, team members, and more. Used sanity.io as headless CMS.

nextjstailwindcsssanity io
TEDxRUET official website


TEDxRUET is an independently organized TED event that is held annually at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET). The official website for TEDxRUET serves as a platform for the team to showcase their upcoming and past events, sponsors, blog articles, speakers, team members, and more.


Tech Stack


The website is built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS. Sanity.io is used as the headless CMS. The website is hosted on Vercel.

Made with Astro, Tailwind CSS, and Vercel.